Tips For Creating More Time Freedom In Your Life & Business

Never feel like you have enough time to just do what you want when you want?

In this week’s training, learn the quick tips you can implement right now in your life & business to increase your time freedom.


  • Define What Time Freedom Is To You
  • Assess Your Prioritzed Commitments
  • Set Boundaries That Support Your Time Freedom Goal
  • Get The Support Needed To Overcome Challenges
  • Increase Profits & Incorporate More Automations & Delegations
  • Define What Time Freedom Is To You

    First & foremost, it’s important to decide what time freedom is defined as to you.

    It means something different to each individual person.

    For some, it could be having 3 days a week with complete blank space on the calendar.

    For others, it may mean total time freedom where they live each & every day with spontaneity to wake up when their body chooses & do what they intuietively would like to do all day long every day.

    So before you personally can ever get started creating more time freedom in your own life & business you have to visualize & define what exactly time freedom looks like for you individually.


    Assess Your Prioritized Commitments

    What are you prioritizing as important in your life?

    We all have 24 hours in a day but how we spend it is very different.

    Audit how you are currently spending your time & assess what things you are saying “YES” to when you actually mean “NO”.


    Set Boundaries That Support Your Time Freedom Goal

    Get good at standing up for yourself & fighting for your dreams because if you won’t, who will?

    As stated in the previous section, you have to start saying, “NO” when events & commitments are not in support of you living with the time freedom you desire.

    You will have to have some hard conversations with people in your life & let go of commitments that support their dreams so that you can begin supporting your own to gain the precious time you want to have back.


    Develop A Support Team

    As you go about your new way of living with more time freedom & setting these new boundaries with yourself & the people around you, it can bring up a lot of emotional challenges.

    For example, you might have to work through fears & anxiety due to letting the people you love down, guilt for not showing up to support others like you used to, & just plain ole challenges with letting go of old habits like time-blocking.

    This is done more easily if you hire a coach to hold you accountable for transitioning your habits & can help you rewire the negative emotions to positive ones as you experience them or at least have a therapist or friend to conversate with during these tough times.

    Remember, this is a journey and all great things take time.

    I can testify that it is easier if you have people in your corner supporting you through these challenging times while you shift your mindset & habits.


    Increase Profits & Incorporate Automations & Delegations

    Money is time. When you have an abundance of money you automatically have the ability to buy back your time.

    To have total time freedom you have to increase your profits or possibly change your methods for how you generate income.

    If you are in a 9-5 job, you may want to start a part-time business to replace your income so that you have more flexibility & control of your time while building that business to scale.

    Once your business is structured for scale, this then, allows you to have all the profits needed to live the lifestyle you truly desire with total time freedom.

    And if you are running a business, it means including automation systems so that routine, repetitive tasks get done without your manual labor & you delegate SOP’s- (Standard Operating Procedures) that can’t be automated to a hired team so that you can ultimately regain your time creating the ultimate time freedom.

    Additionally, you will want to delegate in your life as well any tasks that are not enjoyable to you.



    Creating more time freedom in your life & business is a journey that comes with it’s very own challenges.

    Essentially to create more time freedom rapidly you need to define what time freedom is to you, assess your priorities, set boundaries, increase your profits, automate & delegate as well as get any support you need through the challenging moments while in the midst of the necessary work to create the new time freedom lifestyle habits.


    Need Further Support?

    Schedule a consult to get support in auditing your time & creating strategies for your business that work together as a system to create the result you want not only in your business but your life, too.





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