When investing do you allow the ROI- Return On Investment to determine whether or not you take action on investing?

Here at Passion Profit CEO, we see the circumstance a lot where potential clients come interested in our services & products but have one concern before investing.

That concern & frequently asked question (FAQ) is, you guessed it, “How much ROI-Return On Investment can I expect?”
Before we get into that, I’d like to explain what a return on investment (ROI) actually is.


A return on investment, stated by Investopedia, is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or compare the efficiency of several investments.
In other words, an ROI is nothing more than a measure of what will be the outcome of investing anything into something.
Now, that you have this definition you can probably see why it becomes a little tricky to answer the FAQ of “How much ROI-Return On Investment can I expect?”
A ROI- Return On Investment is not always a monetary ROI.

There are several types of ROI:

  • Personal Growth ROI
  • Networking ROI
  • Monetary ROI
As you can see already it’s probably not what you expected.


The personal growth ROI is one that most people consider last when weighing their option for investment.

However, it should be the first area of interest.

This ROI is the one that has the most potential to bring the monetary ROI in the long run.


Because personal growth is one of those things that once you have acquired it, no one can take it from you.

Unless of course, you develop dementia or Alzheimers at some point in your life.

Personal growth is so important on your business journey.

As business owners, we have to be investing in our future success through personal development of acquiring new information, skills, & upgrading with time as things become more complex.

The lovely thing about personal growth ROI is that it teaches new knowledge and gives you a lesson to open your eyes on further ways you need to grow as a person.

For example, you might invest in a workshop that teaches Facebook Ads so that you can grow more knowledge in that area & realize there is a lot you have to learn to make it a ROI that becomes monetary because it’s going to take some time to get it all implemented.

Additionally, the personal growth ROI sometimes surprises you & or allows you to learn what you never want to be. #FunTimesLOL  (We will get more into this later.)



The networking ROI is the investment many never even consider when thinking about investing.
Have you ever considered investing in an opportunity just because it allows you to surround yourself with people you don’t know normally?
I challenge you to really start using this one in your business. It can be the one that definitely multiplies your monetary ROI in the long haul when you get savvy & start utilizing collaborations in your business.
Networking is a great way to connect with new people & learn from them.
This is why applying yourself & engaging in the Passion Profit CEO’s Facebook Group can be very beneficial to your business with just the investment of time.
With this ROI it’s about sitting at the same table with others (the ones you normally don’t) so you can be introduced & even learn from them to begin thinking & acting more like that group of people.
Mindset & self-mastery evolves with the networking ROI.
Ever heard that quote by Jim Rohn,
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”
Spend more time with the people who are the successful version of who you desire to be so you can download & take on their thoughts & actions creating similar habits.
As well as investing in opportunities that get you in groups with your ideal clients.
For example, if your ideal clients are professional golfers you might invest in a country club membership so you can take part in the activities & be surrounded by your ideal clients getting to know them & discovering who their connections are with other ideal clients of yours.
Networking is a crucial part of a business because it takes lots of people to make it a success.


Lastly, you have monetary ROI and it’s the most common one people consider when investing.
When doing money mindset work one of the first things taught is to shift your thinking when it comes to debt.
Debt is only a debt if you have no potential of any more money coming in to pay what is owed.
 Money mindset coaches & advisors will teach you to look for the monetary ROI.
This is because if there is potential to gain money then it’s not a debt, it’s an investment.
Money advisors will tell you to make choices based on the potential earnings from the investment.
Let me give you an example from when we started my Husbands general contracting business:
He knew he had the skills to do concrete and perform the service but without the right tools there was no way he could make the value of the service on his own.
It’s hard to mix, pour, & finish concrete if you have nothing but your hands, right?
That’s why his initial investment in his business was maxing out credit cards to invest in the tools.
The tools then gave him the ability to have a monetary ROI because he then just had to start performing those services & get paid.
 After getting paid he could then pay the investment off but also have the ability to make a profit over time.
Another great example is farming.
If the farmer has just himself & a few hand tools it will take him far longer to break the ground & plant the crops than if he had a tractor.
Therefore, the investment for a tractor is a wise decision because he can multiply the amount of crop that can be produced creating a larger monetary ROI.


A monetary ROI is the overall goal & honestly is going to be the main focus when considering an ROI.
However, the personal growth & networking ROI should not be forgotten or looked over because they have the capability of further multiplying the amount of ROI- Return On Investments you receive because they allow you to do more (by taking action on your learnings), be more (by acquiring more wisdom) & give more (right connections) when you are aware that you can open your own doors of opportunity.

It’s common for most people to want to see monetary ROI right after they have invested especially if you are living that paycheck to paycheck life but monetary ROI takes time to build.

Think of it like the picture for this blog. You first have to plant the seed & the more seeds you plant the more abundant the ROI-Return On Investment becomes.

You can’t put a timeline on how long it takes for each person or how much ROI is definite because it really boils down to a number of things.
To truly calculate ROI before investing you’d have to be a God, chemist, & mathematician to find the answer to the formula.
You’d have to know the lesson that will be learned from the investment (which is impossible because we all learn & perceive things differently).
The percent of gain from each type of ROI (again impossible because there is ALWAYS A RISK that nothing might happen or you might just not GET IT & the light bulb not light up until YEARS down the road when the concept just clicks of what was being taught is understood).
We all learn at our own pace.
Plus, you’d need to know & answer the formula of action & other required investments to apply the lessons learned to calculate what your overall ROI would be & how long it would take to achieve it.


Passion Profit CEO teaches success strategies & offers products/programs that all have the potential of creating a wildly successful business through attaining all 3 types of ROI-Return On Investment.
However, we can not put an actual monetary number on the FAQ- “How much ROI can I expect from this product/program?” to any offer/product because we simply can not assume an answer to what you will choose to take away from our products as your lesson,  how much further personal growth you will need to apply the teachings/strategies, or how much effort you are going to use in applying the strategies until you get the results.
For example, we ran The University Of Passion Profits with three students.
One student got 12 new clients in 3 months because she was invested in creating all 3 types of ROI & was an 11 on a scale of 10 of ambition about doing so.
Another student got 3 new clients in 3 months because she didn’t have as much time to be devoted to doing the work but did what she could when she could with a focus of only 2 of the 3 types of ROI.
Lastly, we had a student get only 1 new client because she really needed to make some major decisions & have more clarity but that couldn’t happen without more personal growth but her focus was 1 type of ROI anyway she could make it happen.
All 3 students were going through the exact same program but all got different results because of their intention on ROI.
So as you can see putting a definite number & time frame on anything we offer for a monetary ROI would be absurd because we are all different & grow at different paces applying different percentages of massive action & ambition to get to the goal we have created for ourselves.
You can trust though, that it’s our promise to you, with every product/offer created here at Passion Profit CEO, we have ROI at the forefront of our mind because we value our business and want more than anything for you to get a/or multiple ROI-Return On Investment from every item you invest in.
If at any point, you are ever dissatisfied & feel there was no ROI received please contact us by emailing so that we can find a resolve & make it right.


Every investment I have made big or small in the $200K invested (miraculous since in 2017 we only made 28K annually) in the past few 4 years has had one of the types of ROI.

There were many times I invested with the hope of a monetary ROI but quickly discovered that didn’t happen.

Or did it?

Once I invested $6K into a program to learn who I didn’t want to be as a coach & business owner from the terrible examples I had invested in.

That was a hard pill to swallow & still aches a little inside when I think about it but it’s also allowed me to understand more of who I DO WANT TO BE & HOW I DO WANT TO DO BUSINESS (with good morals & values + the clients goal as my goal).
The lesson I learned also helped me understand why so many times people have a fear of investing because they are afraid of feeling like they may come out with nothing on the other side & want certainty that they will. Possibly because they have been or have heard stories of others being hurt before.
I know that pain of feeling like someone has done you in for a good one & you got the short end of the stick.
Today, 4 years later we only have $20K remaining to pay off for our investments over the past 4 years but it took me quite a while to understand that what I learned from that $6K investment and all the others actually had an ROI and a monetary one at that. Years later here we are multiplying ROI because of the lessons I learned that can’t be taken away in personal growth & the connections I have created.

Additionally, my investments connected me with people in others programs that are now my clients because the leaders we invested in overpromised & underdelivered & they quickly learned by doing life with me in these programs that is not who I am or how I do business.

For my husband and I, we are just now starting to get an actual profit ROI (where the investment is paid off & we actually have an ROI for that particular investment) for investments we made way back in 2017.
It’s definitely been a journey but an ROI has always been there.
Truthfully, I would invest every single penny again just as I have even though many were not ideal investments.


I hope you understand how your ROI story is nothing more than a journey of time & financial investment that has to be taken.
You may come out of an investment feeling like you have tons of debt but in the long run you will realize there was a ROI the whole time.
Perhaps,  you just couldn’t see it because you were focused only on 1 type of ROI instead of being open to all the types of ROI.
When you invest you may or may not make a lot of money in the forefront after investing, sometimes, the monetary ROI comes years down the road.

Have patience in your journey & know that it takes as long as it takes for you.

Don’t just chase the money because every investment that has the potential of personal growth can lead to growing your bank account.
Any investment that does this is worth taking.
The best thing you can do is TRUST THE JOURNEY & follow your heart in investing.
If you feel an opportunity is for you, utilize trust because IT IS in some way shape or form for you.
There is definitely an ROI-Return On Investment there waiting on you to accept it & come out with a WIN.
You might not come out with the ROI-Return On Investment that you went for, but it doesn’t mean there was no ROI at all.
If  you take anything away from this training, I hope that you know when money is not the main objective life is so much more joyful and the money actually comes to you more easily because you are not focused on the lack thereof of money. (What you focus on, you attract more of.) #MoreMoneyMindset
When investments are geared more to your own growth than just the money, the ROI’s have more meaning because each one leads to the monetary ROI because you take in more of the lessons & are open to receiving more than just money.
There is no investment that is a bad investment if it gives you the potential of a ROI-Return On Investment.
Invest at your own pace with confidence knowing that you are always EXACTLY where you need to be right now, learning & experiencing what you are meant to for the future to bring to you what it is meant to.


After reading this article, send us a message & tell us what kinds of ROI you have received from previous investments that you didn’t see until now?
How have you grown or who have you connected with that has still grown your business by your investing time & money where you felt nothing happened?
We can’t wait to hear your ROI Story!



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