How To Set Goals For Success

Have you found success in the past with the goals you have set for yourself?

If not, know that you’re not a failure & you like many people are not setting the appropriate goals for success to take place. 

New Year’s Resolutions

According to Merriam Webster a New Year’s resolution is a promise to do something differently. 

It’s a tradition, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.

I’m not saying resolutions are unsatisfactory in helping you accomplish success, because a majority of folks have gotten the success. But, over the years, they have definitely created a bad rap when it comes to people being successful at fulfilling them.

I’m curious, how many have you had over the years and how many have you successfully resolved? 

Why is that?

Why do so many people fail when it comes to successfully completing their New Year’s resolutions?

It’s because resolutions are not the same as goal setting. 

Understanding Goal Setting

Resolutions are not as effective as goal setting because most people only focus on the WHAT (the want desired) but never consider the WHY (the feelings associated with performing the new actions) nor do they prepare for the HOW (the actions that must be taken to get to the desired success)!

Those who generally fail at resolutions know What they would like to change about themselves or a way in which they would like their life to improve.

However, when it comes to actually setting achievable and maintainable goals, they don’t dive deep enough to figure out 2 things:

  1. The How – A set of actionable milestones to know you are making progress. Progress = Happiness. This also includes a list of resources for backup in overcoming the problematic hurdles when they arise later on.  Making plans for the how allows you to prepare by thinking ahead and organizing Support & Accountability for yourself to be able to measure the success you are having & create a plan for when you start slacking.

  2. The Why – An assessment & recording of the negative feelings you want to part with & the positive feelings you are trying to achieve. Your why that makes you cry is what gives you that motivation to keep going when times get rocky. You will want to quit because life happens & those hurdles will pop up unexpectidly making you really want to give up & just start again next year. Assessing your why allows you to keep going instead of quitting like all the other times when you didn’t have a satisfactory plan in place.  


True Story

Most people want to be healthier, happier, more successful in their career, to have better relationships, or to travel the world.

Let’s face the facts though,  most people go into the New Year blind and motivated with a mindset of “I’m gonna do this!”

Right, when you have set a goal for yourself, has this been your mindset?

Then, over time life gets busy & hard. Emergency’s happen, the schedule gets too booked up, & lots of days come that you just don’t “feel” like it making it a huge battle to keep going. You start slipping, fall off the wagon, regress to your old habits because it’s a habit within you & it feels easier. After it’s all said & done you feel like a failure because that thing you set out to do, hasn’t happened yet. 



Let’s take Jarma for example:
Jarma started the new year thinking I’m gonna start dieting to get my health on point and lose 40 lbs!

Woohoo go Jarma!!

But Jarma hasn’t taken the time to do any research, she doesn’t know what activities she needs to do besides go to the gym and eat more salad.

So, a few weeks in the stress rises & life gets hairy. The kids get on her nerves because they aren’t listening pulling all her attention away from the actions that need to be taken.  People and circumstances at work are causing a lot of stress. She is staying hungry all the time because she didn’t prepare good enough meal ideas ahead of time.

Then she caves! She resorts to emotional eating or grabs multiple snacks & take out meals or eats out with a co-worker at lunch everyday because, Hey! She forgot hers! The kids are always being monsters & not getting out the door on time making her forget her own things and preventing her from preparing prep meals.

Life is hard and there will be tests. Then Jarma can’t help but think about how she has screwed it all up and failed and get’s down on herself thinking, “Why bother?, I have already failed. I would have never made it anyways! I’ll just try again when the kids are a bit older.”

Right?! Can you relate?

I know that used to be me & it’s been a lot of my clients before working with me!

But then, I learned about proper goal setting! I had no idea I was doing it all wrong.

Now, goal crushing is a habit. 


The Proper Way To Goal Set

When you begin goal setting you have to begin by figuring out what it is you desire. This is the easy part. I want _______. 

Now, journal about WHY you want this. What feelings are you having around this? Dig deep!

Then, break down the goals into maintainable, manageable activities that prepare you for success through repetition. I like to call these actionable milestones because they also allow you to know the progress you are making & help you define moments that need celebration for the progress being made. 

Like, YES GIRL!, get the balloons & treat yourself. Celebrating is the BEST way to increase your motivation because it helps you “feel” what you have been wanting to feel all along, PROGRESS!!!

After that, assess any possible circumstances that could come up & prevent you from success. Create your game plan  for each scenario with action steps you will take for accountability, support, & a list of resources so there is nothing that can stand in your way.

Place everything in your designated “GET ME THROUGH IT” space so when you have those moments you are down on yourself you can remember WHY you started and HOW you are going to get through to the success you desire. 

23 Questions For Clarity

1. What do you want to obtain? 
2. Why do you want that?
3. Who will that affect if you don’t make it happen?
4. How would that make you feel?
5. What 5-10 steps do you need to take in order to achieve this goal?

6. What tools and resources will you need to make things manageable?
7. Who can help you with this when times get hard? 
8. What current bad habits do you have to replace?
9. What has held you back in the past?
10. What can you do to prevent this?
11. In what other ways have you fallen short or caved?
12. How can you overcome that when it happens this time?
13. What steps can you take to prevent this from happening?
14. What success points will you have to pass along the way?
15. On average, for the normal person, how long does it take to hit this big of a goal and the mini goals along the way?
16. In what ways will you celebrate each one?
17. How will you know you have obtained your ultimate goal?
18. How will that make you feel knowing you have succeeded?
19. How will you celebrate?

20. How can you maintain this for the long-term?
21. What will Motivate You?
22. Where will you turn for support you?
23. Who will give you wisdom when you are unsure?


Example Continued

Ya see, had Jarma just asked herself these questions before she got started she would have been prepared.

There would have been a fall back plan considered when the trials arose & the kids started preventing her from moving forward.

She would have chosen a designated someone to go to when she started feeling the negative self talk in herself.

Additionally, Jarma would have known to meal plan and/or prep in advance and place simple but healthy snacks/meals in her car for times of need when life was crazy but she still needed to eat.

Then she would have also set realistic milestones to validate that she was on the right track with a guide that showed her she was hitting her goals in the time frame she wished.


When you are prepared for the good and the bad, you know what milestones you need to hit and look for, creating celebrations along the way, and obtaining the support required. This cuts out the feelings of quitting & with time YOU become the SUCCESSFUL version of you that you knew deep down you always were.

Don’t give up and keep pushing!! YOU GOT THIS!!!


Ready For Support?

Have you decided it’s time to get the support you need to create the business of your dreams? Feel free to schedule a consult & let’s discuss your goals to create a personalized streamlined operation system for your business. 



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