The 4 C’s To Sales

Are you wondering how to convert more clients in 4 easy steps known as the 4 C’s to sales?

Creating a consistent flow of sales takes a consistency of 4 actions to create business growth.

Let’s dive in and talk about how you can have more control and achieve your financial goals in your business.

The 4 Steps To Create Sales

There are 4 specific steps that need to be taken within your business to create a direct path for potential clients to become a customer. These 4 steps all begin with the letter C and are as follows…

  • Connect
  • Challenge
  • Credibility
  • Convert

When you get intentional about strategically creating this client journey and master it, your business has control on when you will receive new clients.

Let’s talk about each on individually.

Connecting With Strangers To Form A Contact

In order for any business to thrive, it has to be constantly connecting with strangers to create new contacts so that more & more people are aware that the business exists.

It doesn’t matter if you want to use an organic strategy, a paid strategy, or a mixture of both, but if you don’t incorporate this step, your business will run out of people to pitch to fast.

Connecting with strangers doesn’t have to be hard. Even if you are an introvert there are strategies that prevent you from depleting your precious energy.

Some examples of connection marketing can include:

  • walking into a gas station and leaving a business card where permitted
  • adding a new friend on Facebook or other social platform
  • answering a question in a support forum
  • placing an ad

The goal here is not to sell, but to pike their interest so that they want to learn more.


Challenge Them To Become An Audience Member

Once you have connected with strangers this is where you become a little more intentional & strategic using leadership to challenge them to the next step, which is to become an audience member.

This is why it’s important you know where you are housing your audience so that you can strategically invite the new contact to become a part of it.

Some strategies you could use are

  • asking them to join your Facebook group
  • offering them a free resource that has an opt-in to collect their email address or other contact info
  • asking them to like your page on a specific social media platform so they become a follower

If you love psychology, this is where you can begin to use it with a question, “If I do XYZ, will you do XYZ?”.

For example: “If I send you an invite to my Facebook group about weight loss with tons of helpful information, would you join and come see what it’s about?”

You are challenging them to take that next step asking them to exchange an effort of energy to meet you in the middle.

This is that first initial qualifier that has them saying without saying it in words, “YES, I’m interested in what you do.”

As noted the goal here again is not to sell them anything, it’s to get them on your list so that you can stay in contact in the future.

Once they have shown an interest in what you do, it’s time to jump into leading them to the next step.


Creating Credibility & Charm To Warm Them Up For The Sale

Now that they are in your audience, it’s time to charm them with your personality & wisdom while creating some credibility through content.

Think of this step like dating.

You’re not ready for marriage because you barely know each other.

At this point, they are just wanting to be nosey & see what you are all about and that is ok.

How can you create know, like, and trust so they begin to understand that you are the person that can assist them the best with their problem.

People generally buy from people because they know of, like, and trust them not just simply because they have a problem… unless it’s emergent.

For example: A homeowner has a massive water leak. This person wants ANYONE to fix it now. However, if their faucet is leaking odds are they are going to look around, ask a friend for a referral, google and shop around for the right handyman that is trustworthy to do the job.

But how will they know this is the right handyman if a friend doesn’t know and refer them?

Well, they will subconsciously judge the branding of the company, the business card, or the content of the page they find on Facebook to help them make that decision. They will ask for an estimate to get an idea of the cost and may shop around based on that, etc.

Therefore, charm & credibility is all about creating a relationship with them that showcases you as the go-to expert that they need without having to be directly shaking their hand and having a conversation.

However, this is the step where diving into a conversation with them is beneficial and why many coaches and online service providers take part in discovery calls.

This allows your potential clients to quickly get to know you without the need to have video content produced for them to get to know you.

The three main ways to establish know, like, trust, and credibility quickly are:

  1. Branding(online or offline) because the first they will come into contact with when they look your business up is your branding before they ever see the first piece of content. Graphics create a vibe… what are you trying to communicate?
  2. Conversating via a direct chat like a direct message, in-person meeting, or a call.
  3. Online content you are creating that gets promoted to your audience whether this is a website or social media to help nosey explorers to know what you have to offer and validate your expertise with any credentials or experience stories to build credibility that you can assist them. This ensures you understand what they are going through and what’s needed to fix their problem.

Conversion – Creating The Sell

After they have become a part of your audience & they have had a moment to check you out it really is time to dive deeper through strategic offer placement.

This is where you either have automated sales in place.

Or if you are doing discovery calls, this is where you get really interested in them asking questions that allow you to understand & qualify them to make sure they would be a good client.

  • Find out what their goals or problems are & what they feel they need.

Once you know more, then, the door of opportunity opens to relate with them on their unique situation & validate that you can indeed support them with XYZ offer and ask if they want to learn more about it.

If they say, “yes”, then you tell them about your offer & ask if they are ready to get started.

You then enroll them or you seek to understand their objections to see if there is anything on your part that needs done for them to become a client in that moment.

Sometimes, right now just isn’t the time and you need to reconnect later. A great example is when your price is out of budget and they need to do some saving to invest. This is why tracking your potential client list with a CRM is helpful because it allows you to know what step each person is on so you know what conversation to have with them and when.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy when you are organized and prepared creating a quick opportunity to generate the sell and grow your business (especially if you automate) by taking the necessary actions to keep your business running smoothing by leading strangers through your marketing and sales system.



Converting strangers to clients doesn’t have to be a hard process and even though it’s 4 steps you can easily use strategies that as the saying goes, “kill two birds with one stone.”

It’s all in how strategic you want to get with your marketing and sales which is why business planning is a huge part of a thriving businesses. You have to know and understand the process in order to lead others through it. Check out the in-depth training to learn this whole 4 C process using a baseball analogy.

You as the business owner, do have to stay intentional about the strategies you are implementing to be the leader or automate them to lead the prospect from one step to the next as quickly as possible.

When you have an effective 4 C Customer Pathway Pipeline it should only take you an hour or less per day to market & sell in your business helping your customers move from one step to the next in the pipeline.


Need More Support?

If you are having trouble with creating your own customer journey and would like help to create a custom-tailored marketing & sales conversion system that covers The 4 C’s in your business, book a call.

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