3 Principles To Success

Have you ever wondered about the foundation and framework to build the characteristics for success?

Through coaching and being coached, I have found 3 principles that are required for success!


This Weeks Training

It’s not unknown that there are several major characteristics of successful humans but here are the 3 that I have found to be very needed in creating a steady foundation for long-term success.



The 3 Principles

 Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is the most crucial to success. The universe only brings more to us of what we focus on. You must truly believe in where you are going & the results you are to achieve.

A negative mindset only brings the hurdles of life creating limiting beliefs and roadblocks on the path to success.

If you really want to go far on any Journey you are taking it is necessary to understand that you must perform & act as if the result you are trying to achieve is already yours. It’s up-leveling & calibrating to the mindset of the person who you wish to be instead thinking & performing as you always have. For success to happen, you have to be IN 100% and believe wholeheartedly you will get there.

A great example is that of the Christian. When Christians pray they are to have faith in the unseen asking for the need but then immediately begin thanks for what is coming as if it has already arrived. The same faith is created with a positive mind that brings on success in all things not just Christianity.



Integrity or honesty is definitely a viable characteristic that we must portray.

When we are honest with ourselves and those around us keeping our word we build a strong foundation within ourselves.

It’s really hard to build a foundation of long-term success on a rocky surface.  Think of it like a game of Jenga. When people don’t hold true to their word it’s like pushing the wrong block (all the lies & slip ups on keeping your word). Everything then gets rocky. After a few times, it all comes crashing down.

Long-term success in life is the same because the solid foundation is built on honesty where no blocks are removed because there are no lies.

Building integrity is nothing more than being true to who we are, the feelings we have, and acting on what we say we will do.



Mel Robbins book The 5 Second Rule is a great resource

in learning & developing this principle.




When we are honest with ourselves by understanding our feelings, understanding self-mastery & discipline, & keeping our word in the actions we say we will partake in (to ourselves & others) we create a strong confidence.  This confidence is not something that is easily taken away once we have it.


Be Coachable

Being coachable is the 3rd and final principle.

Let’s face it knowledge is great but if you aren’t open to learning, you can’t apply the actions that reap results.

When one simply refuses to listen and is contrary with taking the appropriate actions, they remain where they are.

We don’t want that for you because Passion Profit CEO wants to see you have results.

It’s important to be coachable and understand the process of how time can be saved by just listening and implementing the duplicatable actions that have created success before you.

When you fight the process, it’s like trying to walk forward in a massive windstorm. There is pushback due to a negative attitude from not having full confidence & belief. This pushback then creates discouragement followed by the blame game, excuses, failure, and jealousy.

It’s a lot like my very independent son. If he can’t open the peanut butter jar himself, he just sits and pouts because he has too much pride to ask for help. But we all know it’s so much wiser & you reach success faster if you just ditch the pride & ask for the support until you strengthen in the areas needed to have the success you desire.

Winners win because they are open minded to learning from people wiser than themselves & disciplined in practicing actions that get them outside the comfort zone where they grow & transform. This is where the magic of success happens.



I challenge you to take a deep look into your life and business observing the areas that you were happiest. Were you utilizing these 3 characteristics?
Tell us about your experience in the comments below.


Danielle’s Journey

In my own journey these 3 principles have held true time & time again. When I am practicing and up-leveling these principles are the exact times at which I have been the most successful.

Example: Manifesting Money
When I was in a program on money mindset, I manifested $60K in a matter of a few weeks.
Check it out:

During this moment in my life I was utilizing all 3 principles. I was definitely incorporating positive mindset mantras daily, practicing integrity with being honest around my feeling & behaviors with money & what I desired, while also being 100% coachable by ditching my own pride and asking for guidance in an area I was unfamiliar.


Ready For Support?

New adventures can often be quite overwhelming & frustrating when you don’t know how to step into that more successful version of yourself. Especially, when it comes to thinking like you have never thought before. It takes practice just like anything else you want to excel at.

With 1:1 solution-focused coaching together we can work hand in hand to transform your mind while implementing the 3 principles above to create that future you have desired for so long.  If you feel you are on the struggle bus of standing still needing someone to guide you on the journey because nothing is working,  I invite you to APPLY FOR COACHING.



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